
Hirevue video interview questions delta flight attendants
Hirevue video interview questions delta flight attendants

hirevue video interview questions delta flight attendants

Tell me about a time when you saw your coworker not doing their task, and what you did about it?.So I helped him clean up in the bathroom and gave him my own clothing to put on. He had no change of clothes inflight with him. I didnt want him to feel any worst than he already did. I had a passenger that had an accident the the bathroom on himself and was very embarrassed. There was a time when I had a customer who used to come in the store everyday and get coffee he would always get a certain amount and I noticed that he would struggle with taking all the cups of coffee to his car every morning so when he came in instead of him going back and forth I would always have him a cup holder on stand by so that it made it easier on him I also would give him a discount because he came in every morning consistently to get coffee There was an elderly lady that came in the office and she kept talking about how much she liked a trinket on my desk and I gave it to her and she almost started crying When they ask for a help and I give them a positive concern and I action it with pleasure. Gave a customer an item that was on my desk that she liked and collected. Tell me about a time when you did something nice for a customer or passenger.Currently working as a customer service representative for an insurance company Have many years of customer service experience. Worked in Human Resources as benefits coordinator for a large hospital. I have many years of customer service experience and patient care. I work as a clinical assistant for a hand surgeon in a large Orthopedic practice. Once the aircraft is in flight and the Pilot feels it is safe, then they are welcome to recline their seat at that time. I would let them know it is standard policy that the seat is in place before take off and explain it is a safety issue for them other passengers.

hirevue video interview questions delta flight attendants

If a customer had their chair reclined fully before preflight and was irate and didn't want to comply how would you handle the situation and why?.Free Delta Air Lines Flight Attendant Interview Study Guide Questions and Answers

Hirevue video interview questions delta flight attendants